Fa Teen Rated! Get a Censorship Panda for YOUR site! ©AmberPanyko


Moot Point

Donate! Starving Web Comic Artist in need of money!

Q: Why should I donate to you?
A: You shouldn't

Q: Huh?
A: Well apart from the fact my artwork at the moment isn't worth giving money for, I can't set up a Paypal account until I turn 18. Try this section next June and it should be updated with a way for me to pay off my student loans

Q: What will this money go towards?
A: Well considering I'll be hitting university next year, and will most likely leave it arround £10,000 in debt, most of it will be going towards that. It will also go towards any additional hosting stuff I need - if my comic gets THAT popular ^_~

Q: OK... So what do I get if I donate?
A: Well... erm... ok. Let's get this straight, this is your own voluntary donation thing and your doing it from the bottom of your hearts because you like Salmon Putty and don't want me to leave university with a hole the size of Russia in my pocket... but apart from that, anyone who donates a lot of money (say between £10-£20) gets a small sketch by me scanned in and sent to them my email. Really hefty donations may qualify for something else but most likely will be some type of artwork by me

Q: Rather sucky reward isn't it?
A: Like Brian from 8-Bit Theater offers anything better... ^_-

Q: Soabout these sketches...
A: *Sigh* Donator's choice of subject. If thier donation warrents it I might actually send them the original sketch, or color it in with paints or something special to state an overwhelming thankyou. I don't guaruntee that I'll be able to get a picture precisely the way you want it...

Salmon Putty ©2002 Keith Evans
See Contact Page for Contact Purposes